Thursday, September 27, 2007 

Maternity Health Insurance Coverage

A woman naturally gets excited when she finds out that she is pregnant. In many cases, this happiness is soon diminished when the financial burden of having a child is realized. Thirteen percent of American women who become pregnant have no maternity insurance coverage. They face the risk of inadequate pre-natal care and must find their own resources for funding the cost. If the pregnancy is complicated, this adds to the burden.

Even those with insurance may find to their dismay that maternity is not covered. A costly add-on premium may be required. Some insurers do not offer maternity coverage or consider it a pre-existing health condition. This is illegal by Federal law, and there are several loopholes.

There are many group insurance plans that do provide maternity coverage as a service to members. There may be a waiting period of three months to one year before the clause becomes effective. What happens if one becomes pregnant during the waiting period? If you are carrying COBRA (extended coverage from a previous employer), check to see if maternity is covered. This may be costly but well worth it.

Some states have plans for pregnant women like Medi-cal in California. Federally sponsored programs like Medicaid also exist, but they are mostly for low-income groups.

Another option is MaternityCard. It is designed to provide help to pregnant women and is well accepted. This covers a wide spectrum of maternity medical needs and less expensive than regular insurance.

Ideally, maternity coverage begins immediately. There are some women that naturally get excited when they finds out that they are pregnant. In many cases, this happiness is soon diminished when the financial burden of having a child is realized. Thirteen percent of American women who become pregnant have no maternity insurance coverage. They face the risk of inadequate pre-natal care and must find their own resources for funding the cost. If the pregnancy is complicated, this adds to the burden. There are some plans

that have a 30-day waiting period. Always study the package that is offered before accepting it.

Health Insurance Coverage provides detailed information about health insurance coverage, individual health insurance coverage and more. Health Insurance Coverage is affiliated with Individual Health Insurance Quotes.

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Stop the Silent Killer

High cholesterol levels leads to cardiovascular heart disease. There are no physical symptoms. Silently over a period of time fatty deposits accumulate in your arteries. Your arteries begin to narrow and eventually the blood flow to your heart is blocked. Bam! You have a heart attack. Cholesterol is a natural substance produced by your liver for normal bodily functions. An over abundance causes problems. The worst kind of cholesterol type is referred to as ldl. Your objective is to reduce ldl. Your doctor is the only person who can determine if you have high cholesterol levels. His first option is to prescribe cholesterol lowering drugs such as lipitor and pravachol. However, these drugs have side effects. The most common types are: headache, muscle pain, joint pain, stomach pain and liver damage. Not everyone experiences side effects. Taking prescription drugs means that you have to be under constant supervision by your doctor. You need frequent check ups to determine your progress. Before prescription drugs are used. you should try to lower your cholesterol naturally. This means a life style change. You have to:

  • lose weight
  • exercise
  • follow cholesterol friendly diets
A good low cholesterol diet should:
  • avoid high saturated fat foods
  • not include trans fat foods
  • include 3 to 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day
  • include 6 to 11 servings of grain and legumes
In addition to a low cholesterol diet, you have to exercise loose weight and stop smoking. If a life style change does not lower your cholesterol, than prescription drugs will be required and you will have to be under a doctor's supervision.

Norm Kay is a contributor writer to lowering cholesterol today A website dedicated to information on managing your cholesterol levels

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